Denver Recycles’ Roundup January 2017 Issue
[Editor’s Note: Denver Recycles’ Roundup is a monthly news column written by Denver Recycles, a program of Denver Public Works Solid Waste Management. It includes updates on seasonal and ongoing activities related to the City and County of Denver’s residential recycling programs. Editors are invited to publish all or part of the column; however, we request that you run major edits by our staff to ensure accuracy of the information. Questions may be directed to Tay Dunklee at Denver Recycles, 303-446-3557.]
Resolve to Recycle Even More in 2017
Start the year off right by reducing more of your waste in 2017! Denver Recycles is here to help you, and we’ve compiled some tips for reaching your waste reduction goals. Here are some ideas for getting started:
- MAXIMIZE RECYCLING COLLECTIONS: Since recycling is collected every-other-week, you can ensure you never miss a collection day again by signing up for email or phone call reminders, downloading the Denver Trash and Recycling app for schedule alerts, or by printing/downloading your service calendar.
- SIGN UP FOR COMPOST COLLECTION: Our fee-based compost collection is expanding in 2017. Check your home’s eligibility online and sign up for service when it becomes available. The average Denver home could compost about 50% of their waste.
- UTILIZE MORE OF DENVER RECYCLES’ SERVICES: Denver Recycles offers more to our residents than just single-stream recycling. We also offer E-Cycle coupons for recycling old electronics, Household Hazardous Waste pick-ups, FREE appliance collection and more!
- UTILIZE OUR SEASONAL RECYCLING PROGRAMS: Denver Recycles hosts the Mulch Giveaway and Compost Sale each spring and collects fall leaves and Christmas trees from residents each fall and winter. A full event calendar is available online and on our app.
- UTILIZE THE CHERRY CREEK RECYCLING DROP-OFF: If you accidentally miss a recycling collection or you generate more recyclables than normal, don’t throw your extra recyclables in the trash. Instead, make a trip to the Cherry Creek Recycling Drop-off. If you have yard clippings like brush or leaves that didn’t make it to the Leafdrop, don’t throw them away either. Denver Recycles accepts single-stream recyclables and compostable materials such as food scraps and yard debris at the Cherry Creek Recycling Drop-off.
- RECYCLE IN EVERY ROOM OF YOUR HOUSE: Recyclables accumulate all over your home, not just in the kitchen. Be sure to recycle your empty shampoo bottles, empty aerosol cans and toilet paper tubes. Everything counts!
For more information about recycling, please contact Denver Recycles at 311 (720-913-1311) or visit You can also “like” us on Facebook for updates on upcoming recycling events and other great recycling resources and stories.
Help Denver Recycles Keep Your
Recyclables Flowing Smoothly
Setting your purple cart out for collection every-other-week is just the beginning of the recycling process. After collection, Denver Recycles trucks and crew members transport your recyclables to a recycling processor for sorting and distribution to remanufacturing outlets. This transportation component in the recycling process is no small undertaking when you consider that more than 1,000,000 pounds of recyclables are collected from Denver homes each week. Each truck and driver collect upwards of 1,000 carts every day.
These speedy and efficient collections are made possible by a fleet of special automated collection trucks and a crew of skilled drivers. The automated recycle trucks utilized by Denver Recycles’ crews feature a hydraulic arm mechanism that is able to lift the recycle carts off the ground, turn the carts upside down to dump recyclables, and then return the carts back to the ground. The driver uses a joystick located in the cab of the truck to control the movement of the hydraulic arm. The automated recycle trucks enable a greater number of carts to be collected each day while also helping to prevent worker injuries.
Help keep Denver’s recycling program smooth and efficient by following these simple guidelines:
- Give Us Room! Provide at least 2 feet of space on either side of your cart when setting it out for collection. With the job of collecting more than 1,000 recycle carts each day, the driver doesn’t have time to get out an adjust carts.
- Place All Recyclables Inside Your Purple Carts. Since the automated arm can only collect and empty recycle carts, extra items such as cardboard stacked on the ground next to your cart will not be collected. If you sometimes have extra, consider asking a neighbor if you can top off their recycle cart prior to collection day.
- Set Your Cart Out Facing the Correct Direction. The lid to your cart should open out to the street or alley with the wheels against your property or curb.
For more information about recycling, please contact Denver Recycles at 311 (720-913-1311) or visit