What Is All This Planning and Zoning Buzz That is Going Around Congress Park?
By Rodney Allen Congress Park Neighbors Newsletter
More density? ADU’s? Mixed Use zoning’s? These are among a long list of questions that have been raised by the plan presented in the East Central Neighborhood Planning initiative.
If you have not already heard, the City of Denver is in the process of crafting a plan for the future of Congress Park Neighborhood, as well as several other central Denver neighborhoods. The city has collected input from Denver residents regarding the plan. They have combined this with their recommendations, to create a draft of the plan.
The neighborhood plan is focusing on four key areas: Economy & housing, mobility, land use & urban design, and quality of life. To see more information about the plan, you can visit Denver’s Community Planning and Development website: https://www.denvergov.org/content/denvergov/en/community-planning-and-development/planning-and-design/Neighborhood_Planning_Initiative/Planning-Areas/East_Central_Area_Plan.html
One of the areas of focus in the plan is land use and urban design. Basically this means the focus is on the building site; what type of use is allowed, what structure is allowed to be built, and how that property conforms with the surrounding structures and neighborhood. The majority of the land in our neighborhood is zoned for single family which is accompanied by multi-family, Main Street, Mixed use and Hospital zonings. Use the map shown for a quick reference of what the zoning is around you. For more information and specific allowed uses and design elements, you can visit the following Planning and Development websites.
View Denver Zoning Code by Article (zoning description): https://www.denvergov.org/content/ denvergov/en/community-planning-anddevelopment/zoning/denver-zoning-code.html The majority of Congress Park zoning is located in Article 5: Urban (U-) Neighborhood Context: https://www.denvergov.org/content/dam/denvergov/Portals/646/documents/Zoning/DZC/ Denver_Zoning_Code_Article5_Urban.pdf
Hi Rod,
I’m a former President of CPN. I appreciate the April 19 mtg, and Chris Hinds’ presence there, and CPN’s work on the revised nbrhd plan. I have a few thoughts re the plan, some linked to our efforts 20 years ago:
1. Might upzoning along Colfax be CONTINGENT on successful implementation of the Colfax (and Col Blvd & nbrhd) traffic plan?
2. Re the 1960s high density intrusions on the “fabric” of areas between 12th & 14th….what is the Plan’s strategy for remedying/ameliorating past damage?
3. Might “traffic calming” along 12th be enhanced by a (even narrow) landscaped median?
4. How can the nbrhd be better protected from intrusions from intensive development east of Colorado Blvd?
5. Might it be possible to actually REDUCE daily auto traffic along 6th & 8th, and 13th & 14th?
6. Could the north & east borders of the reservoir be a walking circuit from Congress Park & back?