Proposed Marijuana Legislation Excise and Licenses – Video
This presentation was at the INC Delegate meeting 2-13-21. Presenters were EXL Dir Excise Lic Erica Rogers and EXL Deputy Director of Policy, Molly Duplechian This is to review a package of comprehensive legislative changes to the City’s Marijuana Ordinances that the Department will be proposing and presenting to City Council and to provide continued opportunity for community participation by seeking public feedback on the DRAFT ordinance language
For quick review please see the provided table of contents.
After the presentation and during discussion a motion was made to ask “That this set of Marijuana regulations be de-bundled and voted upon separately by Council and that the three ordinances be presented over the course of three Council meetings to permit adequate time for thorough analysis, feedback and discussion”
INC will vote on this at the March Delegate meeting. If you feel strongly about either for or against please let us know,