Audio – New Discussions With Denver Recovery Group and Adjacent Property Owners
Neighbors surrounding the Denver Recovery Group have been very concerned about lottering and open drug use in the alley of Detroit and Fillmore. Drug use has been reported behind the Clinic and in the vacant lot across the alley. Steps have been taken to secure the fencing and DRG has asked their clients not to block the alley when coming in for services.
The discussions were lead by Britany Joy West-Ware Executive Director Of Capitol Hill United Neighbors and attended by Neighbors, Staff of Denver Recovery Group, Congress Park Neighbors RNO and the property owners the Ethiopian Restaurant and the vacant lot at 1478 Detroit St.
For trespassing documents, please email Officer Ruiz:
For any non call backs from the Police contact Officer Mike Borquez:
Suggested contacts for future assistance
Contact the STAR van which is a non emergency number or emergency: 720-913-2000. Language that can be used to activate this van is specifically ask for a STAR van or an officer with a co-responder. Please note, there is usually only 1 co-responder on duty per shift.
For actual drug use, trespassing and issues with crime, CALL 911
The audio of discussion and solutions can be heard here.
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