In December, Congress Park Neighbors, Inc., your Registered Neighborhood Organization, will host its annual members’ meeting. At this time, the Board of Directors will request ratification to continue their volunteer work for the neighborhood. All Board members are volunteers and fill various roles to keep neighbors informed about city projects, current and future, and connect neighbors with city offices to help them solve problems. Congress Park Neighbors RNO is a … Continue reading →
All In Motel is still set to be a boutique motel, but the community amenities have been cut from the project
City Council approved the change to the urban redevelopment project this week. Plans to rebrand and redevelop the All In Motel on East Colfax are moving forward, but the project will no longer feature a new building that was meant to be an amenity to the community. On Monday, City Council voted 8-5 to amend the 3015 East Colfax Urban Redevelopment Area, which encompasses the motel, to remove … Continue reading →
FOR ADDITIONAL INFO CONTACT Sabrina Bates, Principal 720-424-3562 OR Cheryl Ruiz, Teller’s Dean of Operations at, or call 720-424-3562 IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Upcoming Event in Your Neighborhood Teller Block Party! 1150 Garfield St. Friday, September 08th Event Schedule Set Up Friday, September 8th 12 pm – 3 pm Road Closures and Parking Restrictions Garfield St. between 11th Ave. and 12th Ave. and Jackson St. between 11th and 12th Ave. … Continue reading →
Congress Park Neighbors Meeting Aug 16 2023
Technical difficulties prevented us from recording a presentation from Matt Farris DOTI about the Phase 2 Jackson St. Project due to start in the fall. He will return at Oct meeting The BRT team presented the BRT Concept and plans to the Congress Park Neighbors audience. Members of the team are Emma Harris, John Stewart, James Moore, Nick VanderKwaak Topic BRT 00:00:00 Introduction To BRT Team, Vicki Eppler 00:00:28 Emma … Continue reading →
Sidewalk Construction, Reconstruction and Repair
The city now has a site for property owners to find out what they will be paying for the new sidewalk fee. The construction, reconstruction and repair of sidewalks was, historically, the responsibility of adjacent property owners in Denver. In November 2022, a citizen-led ballot initiative approved by voters, known as Denver Deserves Sidewalks and Ordinance 307, shifted the responsibility of sidewalk construction and maintenance to the city and … Continue reading →