CPNGT Initial Projects In The Works!
The CPNGT divided into groups to work on a variety of initial projects including Recycling, a Rain Barrels Workshop, SEED (Sustainability, Educate, Explore, Discuss) Circles, Home Energy Efficiency & Solar Workshops, and Biking.
The project team has elected to remove the retail pad site from the market. The area will be built as part of the plaza and includes site concrete and landscaping features. This land will remain a City asset and can be considered for future development at a later date.
Current Construction
Many of you have probably driven by the site of the future Carla Madison Recreation Center and seen the concrete, masonry, and steel structure that has been erected. Starting last week large steel joists were delivered. These joists are very large and require street parking closures. The project team tried to move the date of this work to occur before school started but was unable to do so. Deliveries will be limited to the hours of 9:00am to 3:00pm in order minimize impact on school-related traffic. The street parking on the southbound lanes of the Esplanade are closed between 17th and 16th Ave. and there is a police officer stationed at the intersection of 17th Ave and Esplanade to assist in the safety of the operation.
The Congress Park Neighbors Green Team welcomes all levels of involvement in activities, big or small. If there’s something you’d like to do, there are probably other neighbors that want to do that too. Let us know your ideas, and together we can build an Outstanding Sustainable Neighborhood!
Send your ideas or suggestions to sustainability@congressparkneighbors.org
As you know, Congress Park has been selected to participate in Denver’s Sustainable Neighborhood Program! It’s time now to gather all interested neighbors for a neighborhood-wide kickoff meeting to hear about the program and discuss ideas for projects that we can implement this year and beyond. Please plan to attend.
To help advertise the kickoff meeting, the Sustainable Neighborhood program will be delivering a flyer, in English and Spanish, to every household in Congress Park (see flyer below). Of course, there’s nothing like a personal invitation to get neighbors to attend. Please consider talking to your neighbors about the program and inviting them to attend. Heck, invite your whole block or apartment building!!
Earlier this month, the sunflowers at the corner of 12th and Elizabeth were ordered to be cut down to comply with city regulations requiring clear sight lines and sidewalks and a maximum vegetation height of 30″. Councilman New worked with Neighborhood Inspection Services (NIS) to find a comprise allowing the majority of sunflowers to stay while opening up the sight lines for vehicle and pedestrian safety. Many thanks to Jose Viveros, NIS Executive Director, for his assistance and support.
Sewall Child Development Center is building a playground!
They need your help to bring play to kids at Sewall
They need more than 75 volunteers from the community to help them give more than 200 area kids the childhood they deserve by building a new playground.
Join Them!