Update on Dustin Redd Playground in City Park from Parks and Rec
In 2014, we invested approximately $40,000 to replace all poured-in-place surfaces at the playground, as well as a slide and missing swings. We also repaired all of the rope climbers, added 30 yards of wood fibar surface, sanded and stained all the wood surfaces, and painted all of the remaining surfaces purple. · In the coming month, we will be doing additional maintenance at the playground in preparation for a … Continue reading →
Variance hearing for the the Rec. Center
Variance hearing for the the Rec. Center at the corner of Colfax and Josephine across from East High School is set for 11:00am on 4/7/15 at the Webb Building room 2, H, 14. By Aaron Goldhamer Here is some of the information concerning the City’s requested variance within existing C-MS-8 zoning for the Central Denver Recreation Center I mentioned today at our meeting. I’ve attached the … Continue reading →
2015 City Council Candidate Questionnaire
In March of 2015 Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation sent all Candidates for City Council a questionnaire comprised of 26 questions, provided here. The questions were composed by members of the INC Committees: Education, Parks and Recreation, Transportation, and Zoning and Planning and in several cases provided an explanation for the question. Please go here to see all the districts. Interested only in District 10, here it is
Continue reading →Denver Decides
Get Ready for the May 5th Municipal Elections! Candidate Forums Come to these live and lively events to learn more about the candidates before the May 5th Municipal Election. The Forums will start at 6:30 p.m. and each Forum will run from 30 to 90 minutes depending on the number of candidates involved. Programs will be recorded by Denver 8 for TV and online viewing. Council District boundaries change with … Continue reading →
Denver Zoo Master Plan Online Module Now Open!!!
Dear Neighbors, We hope you and members of your neighborhood will join Denver Zoo online as we share the Zoo’s draft plan for facility improvements. As a leader in our community we want your help in gathering input on your thoughts and needs related to the projects. Please distribute this information and link to those in your neighborhoods. Please click on this link or enter the web address in your browser. … Continue reading →