Category Archives: Bus Rapid Transit
CPN Annual Members Meeting
Congress Park Neighbors held their annual members meeting Dec 11 2024. Ballots were sent out Dec 19 to all members in good standing . 81 ballots sent out. 44 were returned, 43 supported retaining the current board. 1 did not support retention. After the members meeting was a program providing more information about the progress of the BRT which has started. Please see below for the index of chapters. 00:00:00 … Continue reading →
Colfax Bus Rapid Transit: Points of Weakness
Colfax Bus Rapid Transit: Points of Weakness By Judith Cohen The Colfax Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) process started with a study that collected data beginning in September, 2012. The “Colfax Corridor Connections Alternatives Analysis” was published in August 2018, more than four years ago. Although the cities of Aurora and Denver, and RTD, and 14 consultant organizations participated, no lead agency or authors were identified. While funding for BRT comes … Continue reading →
Historic Denver & Colorado Preservation Inc. Issue Joint Letter on Colfax Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Station Shelters
Historic Denver and Colorado Preservation Inc. oppose the suggestion that there are no adverse effects to the historic character of the Colfax Corridor by the proposed BRT station shelter design. We urge the Federal Transit Administration, City and County of Denver, and the project team to revise the station shelter design to create a product that is sympathetic to the surrounding context and mitigates the potential adverse effects to the Colfax … Continue reading →
BRT – An Article By Dennis Royer
Dennis Royer is a transportation engineer with over 50 years of experience in all aspects of transportation. He was the City Traffic Engineer for 15 years with responsibility for approval of all public right of way improvements also was Deputy Director of Public Works for 7 years where one of his major responsibilities was the coordination with all outside organizations, i.e. RTD, CDOT and DRCOG. He was the city … Continue reading →