The small but mighty Alternative Transportation Action Team has big ideas for the 2018 year to help our friends and neighbors become more savvy with their transportation choices. Our goal is to help neighbors reduce their personal carbon footprint by increasing their use of alternative forms of transportation such as biking, walking, taking the bus and carpooling. Learning about existing options is the first step. The team holds events designed to …Continue reading →
The Green Team is excited to present a neighborhood-wide “Climate Action Forum” on Oct 6&7, 2017. Please join us in exploring how climate issues will affect us locally and what we can do together to take meaningful climate action here in our neighborhood.
Plastic Free July aims to raise awareness of the problems with single-use disposable plastic and challenges people to do something about it.
Register for the “PlasticFreeJuly” Challenge and join the campaign to reduce the worldwide plastics problem!
CPN Achieves “Participating Neighborhood” Certification!
Many thanks to all of the Congress Park neighbors involved with projects aimed at helping us reduce our environmental footprint while also improving the sustainability of our neighborhood. Since Congress Park’s acceptance into Denver’s Sustainable Neighborhood Network in August 2016, neighbors have brainstormed, designed and initiated a variety of projects, from a Recycling Workshop to Alley-Cleanups, each moving us just a few steps closer towards certification.
Did you know, for example, that our recent Leaf Drop project diverted over 200 bags of leaves from the landfill AND earned our neighborhood 16 credits?!? All because a neighbor like you had a great idea.
Historic homes are part of the charm of Congress Park. But older homes can face some unique hurdles to achieving comfort and energy efficiency. If you missed our energy Home Energy Workshop or just want to review it, see the slide show at your leisure here.