00:00:00 Introduction Vick Eppler, President 00:03:19 12th Ave Bikeway Project Walter Scheib 00:33:43 Park Hill Golf Course Woody Garnsey 00:54:05 Trash petition Andrew Clark 01:02:14 City Council At-Large Candidate Leslie Twarogowski 01:06:12 Bus Rapid Transit Myles Tangalin Documents CHAT Park Hill Golf Course Land
DECEMBER 15, 2021 – 7PM – VIA ZOOM In attendance: Myles Tangalin*, Judith Spiegel*, Debbie Young, Tom Conis*, John Sullivan*, Kyle Rose*, April Montgomery*, Kim Hartsen*, Karen Miller*, Jeff Harbaugh*, Eleni Sarris*, Charlotte Reddon*, Vicki Eppler*, Maggie Price*, Wendy Moraskie*, Anna McCaffery, Nora Kelly*, Andrea Stanton*, Judith Cohen, Sarah Komppa*, Jeanine Draut*, Jacqueline Altreuter*, Mary Ellen Sweeney*, Stephen Eppler*, Jennifer Macy*, Sky Brubaker*, Stephanie Subramian*, Beth McCann*, Jana Waryan*. *member …Continue reading →
Congress Park Neighbors Board Meeting Minutes October 20, 2021 Attending: Gianna Lombardi and Megan Trubee of Denver Water, Vicki Eppler, Tom Conis, Stephen Goldstone, Judith Speigel, Maggie Price, Cristine O’conner, Kimberly Morse, Kyle Rose, Nora Kelly, Jeff Harbaugh, Eleni Sarris, Haley Clark, Jeff Walker, Anna McCaffrey, Stephen …Continue reading →
On September 15 Congress Park Neighbors Inc. provided two presentations. What is happening to the All Inn Motel at 3015 E. Colfax. Brian Toerber owner and developer explained his vision for the property. Former Mayor Wellington Webb speaks to Initiated Ordinance 301 (Parks and Open Space): This would require voter approval before any commercial or housing construction could begin on any parks or city-owned land covered by a conservation easement. …Continue reading →
Agenda 12th Ave Bike Way 00:02:04 Ellen Forthofer, project manager for the E. 12th Ave Neighborhood Bikeway and City Planner with DOTI presents Denver’s Department of Transportation & Infrastructure (DOTI) is designing a neighborhood bikeway for E 12th Ave from N Madison St to N Yosemite St. This neighborhood bikeway includes improvements to prioritize people walking, biking, or making local vehicle trips. Senator Chris Hansen 00:23:01 Senator Hansen won our …Continue reading →