The CPNGT wishes to send a big shout out to some special people who have been instrumental in getting our neighborhood green team up and running. Sadly, each of these folks is moving on, either to other neighborhoods (no!!) or on to other related projects (phew! at least we not completely losing them!). Before they go too far, we wanted to let them know how much we appreciate all they contributed and that we are happy to have had the good fortune to work together and get to know each other, at least a bit.
The Congress Park Neighbors Green Team holds regular monthly business meetings and additional meetings as needed for various events. Meetings can be a wonderful way to meet like-minded neighbors and plan projects of mutual interest. Notes from meetings are posted here. CPNGT-Meeting-Notes-Feb11_2017 CPNGT Meeting Notes Jan 14_2017 CPNGT-MeetingNotes-Oct15_2016 CPNGT-meeting-09-17-16-notes CPGT Meeting May7th2016-Notes CPGT Meeting Apr9_2016 Notes CPGT Meeting Mar12_2016 notes CPGT-SNN-GreenTeam The CPNGT Steering Committee also meets monthly to discuss …Continue reading →
Did you know Certifiably Green Denver provides free, confidential, non-regulatory environmental assistance to help Denver’s business community “Go Green!”? Its purpose is to help local business owners find opportunities to improve efficiency and profitability while preventing waste and conserving resources. Certifiably Green Denver provides experienced and knowledgeable Sustainability Advisers to help owners complete a comprehensive assessment identifying ways to conserve – at no cost to the business! Are you …Continue reading →