June 19 2024
Attendance:  Wendy Moraskie, Tom Conis, Maggie Price, Vicki Eppler, Myles Tangalin, Karen Miller, Charlotte Redden, Hillary Estner, Deniose Maes, Stephanie Subraminan, Grace Thorvilson, Cynthia Greenfield, Stephen Eppler
Vicki called the meeting to order at 7pm, and gave a synopsis on who we are and what we do.  Vicki encouraged people to attend the June 25 meeting a Morey School, sponsored by Chris Hinds and Mayor Johnson.
Hillary Estner from DPL gave a presentation on the newly reopened Ross-Cherry Creek library.
Vicki gave an update on the progress of the wastewater project, which is now working East of Colorado Blvd.
Vicki gave an update of the progress of water line replacement on Colfax.
Vicki gave an update of the upgrades on 8th avenue adjacent to Congress Park.
Vicki announced the post office at the Congress Park Market was now open,
Vicki announced that the new playground in the park will open on July 28.
Vicki reported correspondence between DOTI and CPN seems to have come to a standstill.  Vicki attempted to have them present at this meeting and did not receive a reply.
Vicki announced the coffee bar at 12th and Clayton would reopen as a Novo Coffee in the next few months.
Vicki announced the results of the Survey recently sent out regarding residents opinions on what matters to residents.
Wendy asked for an update of the status of the committee for preservation.  Charlotte Redden commented on the progress.  Conversation followed about the challenges of taking an overlay to the planning board and then city council.
Meeting adjourned 8:05pm


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