Congress Park Neighbors, Inc. Neighborhood meeting minutes
                                                           April 17, 2024  7pm
Vicki Eppler, Tom Conis, Maggie Price, Judith Cohen, Myles Tangalin, Wendy Moraskie, Judith  Spiegel,
Shayne Brady, Roger Harveyh, Ceclia Jones, Bradley Cameron, Barbara Morrison, Nick Vanderkwaak,  Stephen Eppler,John Hindleman, Brian Geier, Greg Cieciek, Julie Meyers, Carly Einstein, Phil Young, Fatt Fariss,  Stephanie Subramian, Karen Miller.
Vicki opened the meeting with an explanation of what an RNO is about and advised the meeting would be recorded and to direct questions to chat.
Cecilia Jones of the Congress Park Market, gave an update on changes in hours at the new market and other events .
Bradley Cameron opened a discussion regarding changes in parking passes and restricted parking in both Cap Hill and
Congress Park.  Also discussion ensued regarding changes in parking around the BRT area.
Greg Cieciek and Matt Ferris gave an udate on the Jackson Street drainage improvements and thge wastewater drainage project..
Nick Vanderkwaak gave a report on  Parallel Streets Safety Study.  This study identifed saftey issues on parallel streets
to the BRT; in Congress Park, 13th and 14th.  Crash study, looking at parking occupancy, and feasibility of 2 way streets.
There is a survey regarding this open until the end of April.  Myles questioned the scope of this study and whether there was funding for improved safety on  these parallel streets.
The recording of the  meeting can be viewed on the Congress Park Neighbors website.
Meeting adjourned 815pm
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