Update on Neighborhood & Traffic:

·         Crime wise – theft of vehicles and off porches are the biggest concern in the area

·         Traffic has been raised as a concern in the neighborhood

·         Traffic Concerns:

  •    Complaints for speeds have come in for 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th
  •   Stop sign violations are also an issue in the area (can only be ticketed by an officer)
  • Enforcement vs Infranction

·         An infraction can be given from a non-officer (photo from van), but hired and trained by the police.  

Enforcement can only be done by police

Effective Traffic Calming Solutions in Other Areas:

·         Putting the slow down signs out on the street (like the plastic neon kids with the flags or drive like your kids live here signs)

·         Speed clocking sign

·         A week or day of enforcement will make a temporary dent

Other Potential Solutions:

·  Cross walks 

·  ‘stop’ painted in the intersection do help

·  Adding a stop sign at every intersection 

·  Flashing stop signs seem to effective

·  Roundabouts slow traffic 

New Police Vision:

  • Focus on social harms to a specific neighborhood: for Congress Park it’s evaluating what the issues have been for the last 5 years – so for CPN it will be the theft, and then traffic
  • Precision Policing: work to pinpoint given issues and the timing of which they arise and put all resources on it to have the biggest impact (ex. Send all traffic resources to clock speeds and stop signs for a weekend)


·         City does have a grant dept. that might be able to provide funding for a pilot project if we were interested in looking into that


Moving Forward:



·  372 surveys completed

·  Results – everyone cares about traffic safety, and feel speed is the biggest issue. People are interested in testing pilot programs

·  Liz is creating infographics for survey results for distribution


Research – Successful Implementations of Traffic Calming Programs:

·  Would like to create a place to compile articles and ideas from other cities that have worked or seem interesting

·  Looking into creating a spot on the website for people to upload or add links to articles

Yard Signs:

·  Drive 25, it won’t kill you (Wash Park provided these) – Melissa will look into these and the cost 

Police monitoring/enforcement:

·  Liz emailing police department to find a few times that work for “a day of enforcement”

Next Meeting: 

·         October 16th @ 6pm at Sewall school

·         Traffic engineer will be in attendance.  Will discuss neighborhood plan.  


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