Dear Neighbors of Congress Park,

Your Registered Neighborhood Organization is your link to communications with the city. We bring you information that the city shares with us to distribute to you and have recognition from the city that our voice represents the neighbor’s questions and concerns. We organized bi-monthly meetings bringing city leaders to speak directly to you and answer questions. We send email blasts to give more frequent updates, have a website with recorded meetings, notifications and reposts from the city and have a quarterly newsletter. Currently, we are working with DOTI on the recent release of the Safety Study on the one-way streets of 13th and 14th regarding the current construction of the BRT on Colfax. We work with District 2 of the Denver Police about specific issues in our neighborhood. We are engaged in applying for a Conservation Overlay that would preserve the scale, mass and architectural features that make Congress Park the unique place that it is. We are working to have a stronger voice with Solid Waste regarding our continually changing pick up location and schedule of our trash and recycling. These are just a few of many neighborhood issues that we are working on, and we are interested in hearing about what you would like to engage in and bring to the neighborhood. We would like to have more in-person meetings and events to better know our changing and diverse neighborhood. We cannot do this without your help. We need you to join, membership is only $20/ year and allows us to do all of the above-mentioned engagement. We can only represent you if you engage, get to know us and your neighbors. Please consider joining your neighborhood organization to provide representative support of our neighborhood.

This is a great way to engage with your neighborhood. Thank you for your consideration.


Victoria Eppler

President, Congress Park Neighbors, Inc.

Your Registered Neighborhood Organization

