Congress Park Neighbors Meeting February 19, 2020

Place: Sewell-Reach School

Meeting called to order 7:00pm by President Rodney Allen

In attendance: Hana Ruiz, Rodney Allen, Galia Halpern, Tom Conis, Liz Chester, Myles Tangalin, Vicki Eppler, Steve Eppler, Tara Tull, Matt James, Jeff Harbaugh, Stephen Oxman, John Gibbons, Liane Morrison, Xiomain Sanchez, Bryan Wilson, Wendy Moranski


Officer Hana Ruiz, Community Relations Officer

Officer Ruiz made a presentation about Neighborhood Watch and left fliers with information. She discussed the district’s desire to understand important issues that the police could help with that would be specific to our neighborhood. Crime and the relationship to other social issue, safety issues such as speed enforcement and street lighting were discussed.

Matt James from the City Attorney’s office did a presentation on the work of the district attorney. He presented information on the changes in the law regarding procession of less than 4oz.of many drugs and the effect. He discussed trends in crimes and how many were preventable.

Liz Chester did a presentation of what Safe Streets Committee has been working on. They are currently taking a brief hiatus from meetings.

Ms. Sanchez from the census did outreach for the upcoming census. She provided information about how to respond to questions – one per household. How the process would proceed with internet, phone and online options. The last step would be door knocking if there is no response. She provided fliers with information.

Wendy Moranski did a presentation about the newsletter. She made a call for articles, explained advertising and requested volunteers for delivery routes.

Tara Tull presented the activities of the Green Team. They have an online sustainability challenge and encouraged participation.

Myles Tangalin gave a presentation of the city committees he is participating in. Update of the group living plan and what it really is suggesting, the ECAP, as well as the current status of the plan to renovate Congress Park Pool.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:45
