Proposed Bylaw Change 2023
From time to time it becomes necessary for by-laws of an organization to change in order to increase flexibility. These are the proposed changes to Congress Park Neighbors by-laws to be voted on at the annual members meeting December 20 2023
These Bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed and new Bylaws may be adopted by a majority of the directors present at any meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present and must be ratified by the Members at the first Membership Meeting of the year to remain valid thereafter.
2.1 Members |
Current | Proposed Changes |
2.1 MEMBERS. Membership is open to residents and business/property owners in Congress Park. Members shall be admitted to membership in the corporation at such time as an application for membership is accepted by the Board of Directors, payment of the current non-refundable membership fee as may be established by the Board of Directors and in good standing for a minimum of (3) months. |
2.1 MEMBERS. Membership is open to residents and business/property owners in Congress Park. Members shall be admitted to membership in the corporation at such time as an application for membership is accepted by the Board of Directors. If the application is accepted and dues are then collected, the member will be in “good standing” in 3 months. |
Adoption of the ‘No Bullying Clause’ from the Code of Ethics in the Standing Rules of Operation to the Bylaws amendment to 2.10 |
2.10 TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP. Any member may be expelled from the |
2.10 TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP. Any member may be expelled from the There is a zero-tolerance policy of bullying, discrimination, and harassment. Bullying is any behavior that intimidates, controls, denigrates, threatens, abuses, or coerces another person, often by someone perceived as having power, authority, position, or status to create a hostile environment. Discrimination is the unjust or preferential treatment of others based on age, cognitive or physical ability, ethnicity, color, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, language, marital status, pregnancy, parenthood, immigration status, genetic makeup, or any classification or characteristic protected by state or federal law or regulation, or by this policy. Harassment is behavior that demeans, humiliates, embarrasses, or otherwise harms another person through unwelcome conduct, which includes but is not limited to, impersonating a neighborhood or city entity to intimidate neighbors or others; or stalking, in person or through technology. CPN prohibits, by all Board Officers and CPN members, bullying, discrimination, and harassment, based on protected classifications. CPN further prohibits discrimination against any neighbors, or members of any group working in partnership with the neighborhood, or any person perceived to have any of the above characteristics or against a person for associating with someone protected by this policy. This behavior will not be tolerated and will result in permanent termination of membership.
Directors shall be elected at the Annual Membership Meeting each year. Each director shall hold office until his or her successor shall have been duly elected and until he or she shall resign or shall have been removed in the manner hereinafter provided. Candidates who express their desire to run for office to the Corporation, by way of written notice to the Corporation mailing address or email to the President, within the period of ten (10) to six (6) weeks preceding the annual meeting at which elections shall take place, and who have provided their “basic information” to the Corporation, and have been interviewed and endorsed by the majority of the Board of Directors shall have their names printed on the ballot. |
Directors shall be elected at the Annual Membership Meeting each year. Each director shall hold office until his or her successor shall have been duly elected and until he or she shall resign or shall have been removed in the manner hereinafter provided. Candidates who express their desire to run for office to the Corporation, by way of written notice to the Corporation mailing address or email to the President, within six weeks preceding the annual meeting, and who have provided their “basic information” to the Corporation, and have been interviewed and endorsed by the majority of the Board of Directors shall have their names printed on the ballot if this process is completed by the date of the annual members meeting. |