Congress Park Neighbors Board Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2021
Attending: Gianna Lombardi and Megan Trubee of Denver Water, Vicki Eppler, Tom Conis, Stephen Goldstone, Judith Speigel, Maggie Price, Cristine O’conner, Kimberly Morse, Kyle Rose, Nora Kelly, Jeff Harbaugh, Eleni Sarris, Haley Clark, Jeff Walker, Anna McCaffrey, Stephen Eppler, Julie Meyers, Robert Davis, Leslie Henson, Toni Thibodeaux, Sheila McDonald.
The meeting was called to order at 7pm with Vicki Eppler giving a brief summary of the organizations history, purpose, goals, and procedures.
Gianna Lombardi of Denver Water gave a presentation on the Aquifer Storage and Recovery Study being conducted in Congress Park.
Megan Trubee of Denver Water gave a presentation on the ongoing lead water line replacement in Congress Park.
Kim Morse, Jeff Walker and Robert Davis gave a presentation of Reimagining Policing and Public Safety.
Sheila McDonald gave a presentation advocating support for upcoming ballot initiatives 2A – 2E.
Christine O’Conner gave a presentation opposing initiative 2E. (No for Rodeo Arena)
1. Congress Park Neighbor Survey regarding trash pickup changes and issues with the changes
2. Teller Update on safety issues around the school
3. Announcement of the Annual Members meeting and election of officers on December 15, 2021.
Meeting adjourned 8:25pm