News Letter June 2017
Parents of children with special needs strive to ensure their needs are met far into the future. You document your children’s medical history, advocate for them, secure caregivers, meet with educators and doctors, and draft wills, trusts and guardianship with lawyers and financial planners. In addition to planning for the future, you also need to use the time that you have now to teach your child skills that will help him be as independent as possible so that he can thrive throughout his lifetime.
On June 5, 2017, the Denver District Court heard arguments regarding the City’s assertion that 220 documents (7,400 pages) should be protected by the “deliberative process” privilege—which stems from the “executive privilege”.
The Court ruled that the 7400 pages should not be handed over to the Plaintiffs
(people suing the city to protect CPGC) in the CPGC lawsuit. The City has repeatedly claimed in public and under oath, that they are committed to transparency and have nothing to hide. However, in court, the City
sang a different tune, claiming that disclosure of the 7400 pages of emails and documents would somehow chill future candid discussion among city leaders and staff.
There will be a public hearing to review and take feedback on the proposed Rules & Regulations.
Tuesday, June 13 at 5:30 p.m.
Webb Municipal Office Building, Room 4.G.2
201 W. Colfax Ave.
Please see this article to provide feedback.
Congress Park Neighbors Inc. Green Team presented a free Earth Day neighborhood party on Saturday, April 22, 2017 from 1 pm to 5 pm. The event was FREE and open to the public. It was held at Capitol Heights Faith Communities on 1100 Fillmore Street. This year’s theme is “Think Globally, Act Locally!”
This year’s theme was chosen because we are working to mobilize Congress Park neighbors to take action right here under our feet.