On Nov 24, 2018, at 9:14 PM, Elizabeth DiLorenzo Chester <elizabeth.dilorenzo@gmail.com> wrote:
All,Thank you for joining us for the CPN Safe Streets Committee meeting last week.Followup:
- We have the Drive 25 – slow down signs available for pickup. If you or anyone you know would like one please have them email cpnnotify@congressparkneighbors.org and they can coordinate a pick up/drop off. We would love to see them throughout the neighborhood. As a reminder here are some sign rules: Reminder please do not post in right of way, (AKA tree lawn or hell strip), instead place on your lawn. Denver Development services has specific rules about the placement of signs and they could be removed unless followed. “Political and other noncommercial signs may be displayed on private property in accordance with the following zoning regulations. Remember, no signs may be placed in the public right-of-way! This includes median strips, highway entrance and exit ramps, traffic signs and posts, and utility poles.” https://www.denvergov.org/content/denvergov/en/denver-development-services/small-business-services/signs.html
- I am looking for volunteers to help with some communication and archiving on the committee. Please let me know if you are interested. This should only be a 1-2 hour time commitment per month and you can do in your own time.
- David, our consultant, has asked that we identify intersections that have sight line safety issues. Please email me on any intersections where you notice SIGHT issues specifically (i.e you can’t cross the street b/c a bush is blocking your sightline or a car, etc).
- David has also asked for us to prioritize streets, intersections, etc where we notice general safety issues which we discussed last meeting. Please email me any other areas of concern as it relates to general safety for the neighborhood (this could relates to speeds, sight lines, conflicts between cars/pedestrian, no safe crosswalks, etc) if you didn’t get the chance to speak up at the meeting and I will consolidate all comments.
- I confirmed and the Continuum open house meeting for the 9th and Colorado Development will be on December 5th at 6pm at 1000 Colorado Blvd, Suite 200. I will be there and hope to see some of you as well. Info here: http://denverhilltop.com/events/9co-community-update-and-holiday-reception/
- I am working on getting a copy of the traffic study on the impact of the new development.
If you have any questions please let me know know. I will see everyone at our December meeting. We will have Walk Denver there presenting to us as well as continue to work with David on the neighborhood traffic safety.Thank you,Liz